Bald Headed Krause

I recently received an e-mail from an opposing party in a long-standing, over-heated dispute, in which the opposing party personally addressed his message to me with the salutation “Dear Bald Headed Krause.” One might easily imagine the kind of demands and accusations that followed soon thereafter!

The funny thing is, this fellow was factually correct. I am, as it just so happens, essentially bald headed and have been so for about two decades or longer depending on when the countdown might have begun. However, by stating the obvious, clearly lacking good intent, little attention was paid to his subsequent demands. As a matter of fact, I simply declined to respond. His own legal counsel, poor guy, later fell on his sword to apologize for his client’s behavior.

In my own reading of public events these days, I see lots of name-calling, demeaning language directed at perceived opponents. It seems a lot worse these days, but I am reminded that in the time of Pres. John Adams the public discourse was unbelievably rough and personal. So too in the age of Pres. Andrew Jackson, as well as Pres. Theo. Roosevelt. And Pres. Lyndon Johnson too, for that matter, and doubtless others. But, whether it be worse now or similar, it’s still offensive and demeaning more to the speaker than the target, and it burns my ears.

I think of myself relatively well-informed on public affairs, and opinionated probably beyond my actual knowledge. I resolved some time ago not to use social media to voice my views, and to stop reading others who do. From time to time I succumb to an impulse contrary to my resolution, and most generally I quickly regret doing so and repent.

The same is fair in our professional lives, as we are easily influenced to over-heat our positions and make personal attacks when simply an effective argument would suffice. I have no claim to model behavior in this regard, but I wish I did and others did too, and from time to time a self-reminder is well in order. Maybe I’ll just smile and shine my own bald head tonight, and not mention the massive wart on his nose.

Philip Krause

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